We can offer you a range of finance options to assist in the purchase of your car. Our rates are very competitive and flexible, we can even offer finance to those with poor or no credit history. Cars must be worth €5000 or more, please use the form below to apply for finance.

Vehicle Finance Application

* Indicates required fieldWhat happens if I fill in the form?

Contact Details Step 1 of 3

  • Make:
  • Model:
  • Year:
  • Mileage:
  • Retail Price: ---

Finance Calculator Step 2 of 3

Retail Price:

repayments of ---


  • Finance Type: Hire Purchase
  • Retail Price:
  • Your Deposit:
  • Finance Amount:
  • APR:
  • Minimum Deposit Percentage:
  • Document Fee: 75.00
  • Completion Fee: 75.00
  • Term:
  • Total Cost of Credit:
  • Total Amount Payable:
  • Representative APR:
  • Monthly Repayments:

This information is for illustrative purposes. Lending criteria and conditions apply (over 21s only). The finance example is based on a % APR and is inclusive of a documentation fee and purchase fee of € each. Rate quoted is correct from todays date and is subject to change. Offer available on model above at participating dealers. This is a Consumer Hire Purchase agreement provided by Close Brothers Motor Finance. Ownership remains with Close Brothers Motor Finance until the final payment is made. Figures are indicative and the quotation is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an offer. You will be assigned the appropriate interest rate based on your financial profile and credit history, once your application has been reviewed.

Finance Config

  • name: Close Brothers Motor Finance For Independent Dealers
  • rate: 10.99
  • higherRate: 10.99
  • lowerRate: 10.99
  • depositPercentage: 10.00
  • lowerDepositPercentage: 10.00
  • higherDepositPercentage: 10.00
  • minCarValue: 5000.00
  • lowerMinPrice: 5000.00
  • lowerMinYear: 7
  • higherMinPrice: 5000.00
  • higherMinYear: 11
  • minCarYear: 11
  • roundedMonthlyPrice: 0
  • providerID: 7
  • showWeeklyPrice: 1
  • showMonthlyPrice: 1
  • showFinance: 0
  • repaymentTerms:
  • CIfinanceFlag: 1
  • providerImage: https://motorlib.carsireland.ie/ci-default/provider-logos/Close-Brothers-Motor-Finance-logo-50x150px.png
  • showRepApr: 1
  • showStdApr: 1
  • documentFeeText: Document Fee
  • documentFeeAmount: 75.00
  • completionFeeText: Completion Fee
  • completionFeeAmount: 75.00
  • financeFormHeader: Vehicle Finance Application
  • calWarningText: <p>This information is for illustrative purposes. Lending criteria and conditions apply (over 21s only). The finance example is based on a <aprrate></aprrate>% APR and is inclusive of a documentation fee and purchase fee of €<feerate></feerate> each. Rate quoted is correct from todays date and is subject to change. Offer available on model above at participating dealers. This is a Consumer Hire Purchase agreement provided by Close Brothers Motor Finance. Ownership remains with Close Brothers Motor Finance until the final payment is made. Figures are indicative and the quotation is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an offer. You will be assigned the appropriate interest rate based on your financial profile and credit history, once your application has been reviewed.</p>
  • hirePurchaseText: Hire Purchase
  • financeHoverMessage: Hire Purchase is a traditional form of car finance which is structured to suit your budget with fixed monthly payments throughout the agreement. At the end of the agreement and once the final payment is made, you then own the car. Other finance offers may be available, please visit the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission website for independent advice on the product.
  • whatHappensForm:
  • hasCustomDepositPercentage:
  • hasCustomRate:
  • dealerID: 73085
  • apr_asterix:

Personal Details

Employment Details

Loan Details

Data Protection and Consents

Warning! if you do not meet the repayments on your credit agreement, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, (which may limit your ability to access credit in the future).

GDPR Applicant Declaration

  1. I understand that, before I enter into the Loan, I have a right to know how Close Brothers Finance DAC (Close Brothers Motor Finance) will use my personal information. I have read, understand, and agree to the notice headed Important - Use of your information beneath this declaration.
  2. I understand that I have a right at any time to stop Close Brothers Motor Finance from contacting me, or giving my details to others, for these purposes. I can write to Close Brothers Motor Finance at Privacy, Close Brothers Finance DAC, Unit 18 Northwood House, Northwood Business Campus, Santry, Dublin 9 if I wish it to stop.
  3. I acknowledge and agree that any telephone calls and emails to do with my application may be recorded and monitored for information, regulatory and/or training purposes.

  4. NOTICE: From 30 June 2019, under the Credit Reporting Act 2013, lenders are required to provide personal and credit information for credit applications and credit agreements of €500 and above to the Central Credit Register. This information will be held on the Central Credit Register and may be used by other lenders when making decisions on your credit applications and credit agreements


  • To make credit decisions about you, and for money laundering prevention purposes and verification of your identity, Close Brothers Motor Finance will make searches about you at credit reference agencies who will supply it with credit information, and other agencies and/or archives of publicly held information such as the Electoral Register and registers of court judgments. Credit reference agencies will record details of the credit search made by Close Brothers Motor Finance whether or not your Application is successful and may use credit scoring methods or other automated decision making systems to assess your Application. Each search will be registered on your credit file(s) individually, and a number of searches within a short period may impact on your ability to obtain credit.
  • Close Brothers Motor Finance may periodically submit information to credit reference agencies during the term of your Loan who in turn provide Close Brothers Motor Finance with information which Close Brothers Motor Finance may take into consideration when managing your Loan account or for analysis and statistical purposes.
  • If you do not repay money owed to Close Brothers Motor Finance on time and in full, Close Brothers Motor Finance may inform credit reference agencies who will record the outstanding debt, and this may impact on your ability to obtain credit. Credit searches and other information which is provided to Close Brothers Motor Finance and/or credit reference agencies about you and those with whom you are linked financially may be used by a Close Brothers Motor Finance and other companies to trace you to recover any outstanding debt owed to Close Brothers Motor Finance, and to manage your account.
  • Close Brothers Motor Finance, members of the Close Brothers Group, and other companies may use any information it receives if decisions are made about you (or others at your addresses) on credit or credit related services or motor, household, credit, life or any other insurance facilities, and such information may also be used for tracing and claims assessment; and Close Brothers Motor Finance may check the validity of any identification document(s) you provide to prove your identity with the issuing authority of that document.
  • If the Application is made in joint names and Close Brothers Motor Finance searches the files of a credit reference agency, an association will be created with the other person(s) named in the Application. Close Brothers Motor Finance or other lenders may take this association into account in future applications for credit or financial services. The association will remain between you until one of you successfully applies for disassociation with the credit reference agencies. Information held about you by credit reference agencies may be linked to records relating to other persons. For the purposes of your Application you may be financially linked as your Application will be assessed with reference to any associated records.
  • Close Brothers Motor Finance may make enquiries of any person including current and previous lenders, employers, landlords, accountants, bankers, the Electoral Register, the Land Registry and Office of the Revenue Commissioners, in the processing of your Application and the administration of your account.
  • Close Brothers Motor Finance may retain and hold the Information and all details and documents about you, including any information provided by any Intermediary, credit reference agency after your Loan is repaid or if your Application does not proceed, where Close Brothers Motor Finance has a duty to do, or for so long as is reasonable for legal or operational reasons.
  • Close Brothers Motor Finance may share information about you and the conduct and operation of your Loan account during the term of your Loan and after your Loan is repaid (or if your Application does not proceed), where Close Brothers Motor Finance has a duty to do so, or (to the extent that is proportionate) for the purpose of its own or a third party's legitimate interests, to Close Brothers Motor Finance regulators, other Close Brothers group companies, any company providing insurance services or other products in connection with the Loan, with third parties who provide services to us which require the processing of your personal information, any intended guarantor, investors, funders or their advisors, potential investors or funders and rating agencies.

Please telephone us on 01 644 8900 if you want to have details of those credit reference agencies (CRA's) from whom we obtain and to whom we pass information about you. You have a legal right to these details. You have a right to receive a copy of the information we hold about you if you apply to us in writing.

The Central Credit Register (CCR) is the Central Bank of Ireland of New Wapping Street, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1 ([email protected]) shall process the personal data identified in this proposal form. The legal basis upon which CRA relies to process this personal data is its Legitimate interests. (GDPR Article 6 (f)), namely for promoting greater financial stability by supporting a full and accurate assessment of loan applications, aiding in the avoidance of over-indebtness, assisting in lowering the cost of credit, complying with and supporting compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, enabling more consistent, faster decision-making in the provision of credit and assisting in fraud prevention.

Please review The CCR's Fair Processing Notice which is available at: https://www.centralcreditregister.ie/borrower-area/data-protection/. It documents who they both are, what they do, details of their Data Protection Officer, how they get the data, why they take it, what personal data they hold, what they do with it, how long they retain it, who they share it with, what entitles them to process the data (legitimate interests), what happens if your data is inaccurate and your rights i.e. right to information, right of access, right to complain, right to object, right to restrict, right to request erasure and right to request correction of your personal information.

version : 1.3 form : 8656731